Remedies For Back Pain


If you are looking for remedies for back pain and want a more natural approach rather than prescription drugs then you might get a solution to your back pain using herbs and supplements.

Herbs have been used in medicine around the world for thousands of years and the western countries are only now realizing their full potential. There are many different herbs that can be used , it is often a case of finding the right combination as they often work together.

The other thing to do is to make sure you are not low in vitamins. One of the vitamins that can make a difference is Vitamin B 12. This is a very important Vitamin and a deficiency can cause lower back pain.

If the cause of your back pain is inflammation of the back tissue , you can use herbs to help rather than anti inflammatory tablets. Bromelain helps relieve inflammation and lessen the pain. Bromelain is sourced from the stem of the pineapple.

To help get relief from tight muscles that are causing pain, taking chamomile either in tablet form or drinking chamomile tea can help. Although you will get some effect immediately chamomile has an accumulative effect, therefore the linger you use it the stronger the relief from it.

Other herbs that can be used to help with pain include wild lettuce and devils claw, these have been used over a long time to help with pain and inflammation. Studies show that they help with back pain.

Going and talking to a herbalist to get a more extensive list of herbs will help. Often the herbs will not have the side effects that taking pain killers and anti inflammatory tablets can have. If you are taking any other form of medicines, make sure you let the herbalist know.